hari ni me terlalu sedih sgt....dah xlarat nak bertahan + bersabar.entah sampai bila nak biarkan diri ni ditindas + di ambil kesempatan.sedih sangat bila orang yang kita paling percaya + respect xpernah hargai kita.apa lagi bila ia melibatkan semua benda yang kita sayang dalam dunia ni....hopefully Allah terus bagi kekuatan pada me + org2 yg me sayang untuk hadapinya.letih sangat dah dok bertahan....dah xmampu rasanya.cukup tertekan + stress....hopefully everythings ok....manusia xkan pernah hargai apa di depan mata selagi benda tu xhilang.tapi me rasa kalau me hilang pun.....xde sapa pedulik kot,huhuhu.apa pun....mama sayang aiman!sampai bila2........
Monday, 30 May 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
dia datang lagi.......
hi semua.....lama dah den x jenguk ke sini...bz skt.baru balik kusus kat penang.hari ni me nak cerita tentang tawaran hebat dari my bestfrens masa dok putrajaya dulu....sapa lagi,MR AIRASIA ler....heheheh.nsb baik la ada MR ni,kalau x,jenuh dok naik turun bas la berulang tengok anak kalau MR AMRAN ROSALI xde....huhuhuhuh
sekarang ni, AA tengah buat promo sampai 29 mei......dan harganya?cuma sekupang ja kata orang kedah....mcm xpercaya kan?tapi ni ialah betul2.....bukan dugaan....bak kata aiman.so apa lagi,grab this opportunity utk angkut satu family pi holiday......berbaloi-baloi.......NOW EVERYONE CAN FLY.......lets go....
Friday, 20 May 2011
tunjuk ajar ku sifu
salam semua...lamanya me xmenulis kat sini....agak sibuk sikit dua tiga menjak ni.tambah lagi dengan line tenet yang agak xtentu hala ni...lagi la me xberkesempatan nak menulis.
weekend baru ni me luangkan masa jenguk rumah sewa,ngemas apa yang patut......alhamdulillah,hampir sempurna untuk menjadi persinggahan kami sefamily,tempat kami berteduh dan membina hidup.yang tinggal cuma aircond+water heater jer xpasang lagi.....plus ASTRO,tu kita serah kan dekat mr AMRAN ROSALI la bila dia balik nanti....hehehe
semalam pagi,me ada program mentor mentee dengan mentee2 me........me bawak diaorg pegi buat outdoor aktiviti kat taman rimba.kat aloq staq ni xbyk choice la tempat berekreasi,compared tu putrajaya.tapi nak buat camna,redha jela.actually program mentor mentee di pejabat ni dibuat utk membimbing pegawai2 baru +pegawai baru naik pangkat.but,in our office,kita libatkan semua+kitaorg bwk diaorg kluar utk bagi realeased tensen+new environment....idakla bosan dok dlm opis je kan....hikhikhik.....
alhamdulillah,program semalam berjaya coz mentee me semuanya very the sporting....A BIG CLAPS FOR THEM......really enjoy all the activity.hopefully matlamat aktiviti tersebut tercapai.malam plak,office kitaorg ada dinner......AG@SANTAI......tp sedihnya me xdapat join coz ada hal yang xdpt dielakkan....huhuhu.....mungkin xder rezki kot......jom layan gambar2 aktiviti semalam........
Sunday, 15 May 2011
1. Take Care Of Yourself First
This is the most important: nurture your own needs. Don't put yourself last! You are the hub of your family. They need you to be at your best. This means giving yourself the love and care you deserve. The happier you are, the more energy and love you have to give your family.
Also, remember YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL for your children. Show them a positive, fulfilled woman in charge of her life. A woman who has a loving partner and a LIFE OF HER OWN. Don't show them their future involves being tired and angry, bitter and negative. Or worse yet, the door mat for a selfish husband.
Also, remember YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL for your children. Show them a positive, fulfilled woman in charge of her life. A woman who has a loving partner and a LIFE OF HER OWN. Don't show them their future involves being tired and angry, bitter and negative. Or worse yet, the door mat for a selfish husband.
2. Spend One-On-One Time With Your Chidren
To develop a healthy self esteem, children need to know they are valued for themselves. That they are the center of our universe. This does not mean giving them 100% of our attention, or giving them everything that they ask for.
It does mean setting aside time for them, and ONLY THEM. Finding time when you can give them your undivided attention and they do not have to compete with ANYONE. Children bloom when we shower our love upon them. When we see them, we see their talents, and we marvel in their unique beauty.
It does mean setting aside time for them, and ONLY THEM. Finding time when you can give them your undivided attention and they do not have to compete with ANYONE. Children bloom when we shower our love upon them. When we see them, we see their talents, and we marvel in their unique beauty.
3. Banish Guilt!
Our children, other mothers, the media, and sometimes even our own families, are well versed in throwing around mother guilt. Don't buy into it!
So, little Johnny wants a PLAY STATION and you can't afford it; or you can't do canteen duty 'like the other mommies' because you work. Tough luck. He'll get over it! We all have different needs and circumstances. Not giving your children everything they want, or being there all the time will not harm them. Tell anyone who tries to put a guilt trip on you to take a hike! Who are they? God. Do they know everything? NO.
Loved children, whose parents nurture and praise them will flourish, whether mum works or not. And as for that Play Station, being a parent means teaching our children how life works - that we can't always have everything we want. Sometimes our choices will make us unpopular in the short term; that's OK, it's the long term that counts!
So, little Johnny wants a PLAY STATION and you can't afford it; or you can't do canteen duty 'like the other mommies' because you work. Tough luck. He'll get over it! We all have different needs and circumstances. Not giving your children everything they want, or being there all the time will not harm them. Tell anyone who tries to put a guilt trip on you to take a hike! Who are they? God. Do they know everything? NO.
Loved children, whose parents nurture and praise them will flourish, whether mum works or not. And as for that Play Station, being a parent means teaching our children how life works - that we can't always have everything we want. Sometimes our choices will make us unpopular in the short term; that's OK, it's the long term that counts!
4. Decide on your family values, and LIVE THEM!
How do you live - do you think you're a good person? Will you be proud if your children have the same values and qualities as you? What are those values? This is personal to you. It may not fit in with your neighbors, society or even your extended family. But the good news is, your values are your own. Claim them and teach them to your children. Not just with words, but actions too.
5. Protect the family unit - husbands need love too!
The best gift you can give your children is to maintain their "happy home". Note the use of the word happy here. Do not stay with a man you do not love and/or respect. Your relationship with the father of your children is the first example they will ever see of what love is. Teach them that while love may not always be easy, it is fair, safe, respectful and supportive. DO NOT teach them that love is violent, cold, uncaring, or disrespectful.
6. Get a life and leave your child's alone!
Do not try and fulfill your own dashed dreams through your children. They have their own personality and their own journey. They do not need the extra baggage of trying to please you. Life is hard enough; your children will be exposed to enough pressure and judgment from others. They do not need the added pressure to make you proud by giving you what you could never achieve in your own life.
We all want what's best for our children. But we need to focus on THEIR BEST. Not ours.
And on that note: What is the best life you can give yourself? Go for it. Take chances. Make sure you LIVE before you die. Don't just bide time. A fulfilled and impassioned mother is more likely to have children who are the same. And the good news is they'll be happier.
We all want what's best for our children. But we need to focus on THEIR BEST. Not ours.
And on that note: What is the best life you can give yourself? Go for it. Take chances. Make sure you LIVE before you die. Don't just bide time. A fulfilled and impassioned mother is more likely to have children who are the same. And the good news is they'll be happier.
7. Love your children Unconditionally
Sometimes our children are easy to love, sometimes they are not. Sometimes we wonder why they are determined to make life so hard for themselves, or for us. We despair of what will happen to them in the big bad world.
There is only one thing to remember here. Your children can only be WHO THEY ARE. You can help them find their best self, teach them about positive choices and consequences, but they must make their own mistakes. You just practice loving them NO MATTER WHAT.
There is only one thing to remember here. Your children can only be WHO THEY ARE. You can help them find their best self, teach them about positive choices and consequences, but they must make their own mistakes. You just practice loving them NO MATTER WHAT.
8. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good
Children are stressful. Raising them and making the BIG DECISIONS in life is stressful. Do not give your time to those who will judge you, criticize you or try to make you feel less than you are. Your children need you strong. You cannot be strong when you are being torn down. Do not let ANYONE do it to you. This includes your own parents.
9. Set Boundaries
Children need boundaries so they are safe, so they can learn how to be good citizens, so they are empathetic to their fellow human beings. So they are loving and empathetic to you! Set boundaries so your husband or wife knows what you need and your children know that you have rights too. They are one part of the family. They are not everything. This is crucial to their understanding of how they fit in the real world. A self-obsessed 30 year old, prone to tantrums, is not an attractive sight.
10. Do not be a One Woman Show - Get help when you need It!
Being a Super Mom does not mean doing it all. Delegate! Learn to BE A GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER. Even if you are a stay-at-home-mother, you are not a slave. Make sure your husband has some chores to do so he appreciates what it takes to run a household.
Take time out for yourself. Keep your girl friends. Never had girlfriends? Find some! Join a gym, talk to women in the park, anything. But get a life of your own. Don't bottle up your feelings - share them. Vent to those who understand your frustrations. And when it's all too hard, ask for help!
Take time out for yourself. Keep your girl friends. Never had girlfriends? Find some! Join a gym, talk to women in the park, anything. But get a life of your own. Don't bottle up your feelings - share them. Vent to those who understand your frustrations. And when it's all too hard, ask for help!
Sunday, 8 May 2011
selamat hari ibu buat semua.....especially to my beloved mother,Puan Zainab A. Aziz & MIL, Puan Amnah Jamak......moga mama & mak sentiasa dirahmati & dilindungiNya...amin.for me,dah dapat wish from hubby & aiman malam tadi...tq so much!i dedicate this notes to all mothers in the world.......
Friday, 6 May 2011
Apa itu PJJ?pengajian jarak jauh ke?in my konteks.......nope.....ia adalah....PERKAHWINAN JARAK JAUH....
hampir 6 tahun kami berkahwin.....rasanya kalau dikira bilangan hari,xsampai 3 tahun pun duduk bersama kot....heheheheh.kalau orang yg xbiasa,maybe pelik camna kami boleh survived camni.tapi sebenarnya,zaman sekarang ni,dah byk dah pasangan yang PJJ macam kami ni.xpayah tunggu hubby keja laut baru PJJ,keja darat pun dah ramai yg PJJ.nak buat camna kan,masing2 mencari rezki......yg penting saling percaya-mempercayai.....INSYAALLAH.kat sini me nak share tips yang me terbaca dlm satu blog tadi.useful utk couple2 yg ber PJJ macam kami.....selamat beramal......HIDUP ITU INDAH BILA SUKA DUKA DIKONGSI BERSAMA
Berikut adalah tips-tipsnya demi menjaga hubungan jarak-jauh anda:-
hampir 6 tahun kami berkahwin.....rasanya kalau dikira bilangan hari,xsampai 3 tahun pun duduk bersama kot....heheheheh.kalau orang yg xbiasa,maybe pelik camna kami boleh survived camni.tapi sebenarnya,zaman sekarang ni,dah byk dah pasangan yang PJJ macam kami ni.xpayah tunggu hubby keja laut baru PJJ,keja darat pun dah ramai yg PJJ.nak buat camna kan,masing2 mencari rezki......yg penting saling percaya-mempercayai.....INSYAALLAH.kat sini me nak share tips yang me terbaca dlm satu blog tadi.useful utk couple2 yg ber PJJ macam kami.....selamat beramal......HIDUP ITU INDAH BILA SUKA DUKA DIKONGSI BERSAMA
Berikut adalah tips-tipsnya demi menjaga hubungan jarak-jauh anda:-
- TIPS 1: Kerapkan berhubungan. Yang terbaik ialah hari-hari! Ya, setiap hari anda WAJIB hubungi pasangan anda. Jika anda berdua tinggal di Malaysia, jangan kedekut sangat melaburkan kredit hanfon anda tu untuk telefon pasangan anda. Tiap kali sebelum tidur, telefon dia dan ucapkan ‘good night’ pun sudah memadai. Anda boleh bergilir-gilir setiap malam untuk siapa yang akan hubungi siapa dulu.
- TIPS 2: Gunakan Facebook, YM Messenger atau GTalk sebaik mungkin. Anda boleh berchatting dengan pasangan anda di siang hari sambil anda bekerja di pejabat. Selain ianya percuma saja, anda boleh kekalkan keintiman anda dan pasangan.
- TIPS 3: Hujung minggu, pulang ke rumah yang anda tinggal bersama. Paling minimum, jika anda rasakan ia membebankan dan ingin menjimatkan lagi kos, anda boleh pulang bertemu 2 minggu sekali.
- TIPS 4: Sentiasa berlaku jujur dengan pasangan anda. Jangan sesekali berlaku curang. Ingat, Allah sentiasa melihat segala perbuatan anda. Jika anda buat perkara yang ‘bukan-bukan’, pastinya pasangan anda akan tahu juga akhirnya.
- TIPS 5: Kerapkan lah anda berdua saling ber-SMS. Tak perlulah sampai setiap jam anda menghantar SMS kepada dia. Mungkin anda boleh SMS tiap kali bangun tidur sekali, waktu petang sekali dan waktu malam sekali.
- TIPS 6: Anda boleh sekali-sekala lakukan Video Chat atau video conferencing. Apa yang perlu anda ada ialah hanyalah sebuah webcam yang murah dan banyak boleh dibeli di kedai-kedai komputer dan perisian Skype. Yang best nya Skype ni, anda boleh juga membuat panggilan telefon secara percuma dan perisian ini pun adalah percuma sahaja.
- TIPS 7: Dan tips yang terakhir ialah sentiasalah percaya kepada pasangan anda. Percayakan perkahwinan yang anda bina tersebut. Banyakkan berdoa kepada Allah SWT supaya terus menguatkan lagi perasaan percaya terhadap pasangan anda. Jika anda mempercayai pasangan anda, nescaya pasangan anda turut akan mempercayai anda jua.
sayonara......keep counting again
salam uols....lama xjenguk ke sini.to share & to care wif uols.......agak bz skit coz mr hubby ada kat rumah kan,kalau asyik ngadap laptop jer,ngamuk dia kang,hahahhahah......dah jumpa skali skala ni,kena la bagi 500% attention kat dia bila he's around......yEZza....
setelah hampir seminggu mr Amran bercuti,hari ni dia berangkat pulang kat Kerteh....bertolak dekat ku 4 lebih jgk tadi,coz temankan me tgk kwn2 lawan futsal td.me pi jd pom pom girlz je kejap td......xblh nak main la,kesihatan tidak mengizinkan....hopefully team AG sukses on game tadi.....minggu yg agak bz last week coz kitaorg baru pindah rumah,agkt brg je,xsempat ngemas lagi......last sabtu & ahad plak me kena keja....huhuhu.lgla xsempat nak buat apa,balik dah petang....sian my hubby & aiman.nak wat camna,demi negara....cewahhhhh
my double sweetie pie |
buah hati kami |
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
10 tips on how to choose a nanny
In Malaysia, we are very lucky. Most of us have our families living reasonably close by and we have our extended support system. This means, you have reasonably easy access to babysitters when you need them. If you’re lucky, it may even be long-term help in taking care of your child while you’re at work.
For those who can’t or don’t want to get their family involved, then there are helpers, babysitters and nannies.
Here are some tips for engaging a nanny/babysitter:
Tip #1: Family first.
If you can, get someone you know and trust. Parents and in-laws come to mind here. If they succeeded in raising you or your husband well, then they should be able to do the same for your kids, assuming they are physically able to. This could, however, be a potentially sensitive situation as you deliberate if you should pay them, give them a token sum or not give anything at all (in case you insult them by even suggesting money). Then there is the fear of your family members thinking you’re taking advantage of them by sending your kids over daily. Plus, each time you are late picking up your children, there is the guilt and your mother’s or mother-in-law’s long face to deal with. They might also make decisions without consulting you first. Think about this one very carefully. There are pros but there are also cons and it could potentially affect your relationship with your mother/mother-in-law.
Tip #2: Get a recommendation.
If you can’t get a family member or relative and need to hire an outsider, always go with a recommendation. Family and friends who have kids a few years older than your child would be in the best position to recommend someone. Preferably ask your family and friends whose kids look well-fed and well-mannered rather than those who look ill-mannered.
Tip #3: Check up on the potential nanny/babysitter.
Before you even hire her, have a surprise visit to her home or place of work (if she’s currently employed elsewhere and you are familiar with her current employer). See how the other children behave around her and how she treats them. If you can, talk to the parents of the other children there so that you can glean as much information about her style of childcare. Assess if your potential nanny/babysitter is too old or too young for the job – is she responsible enough; will she remember your child’s feeding times and medications?
Tip #4: Quality over price.
Yes, times are hard but better to get a good nanny who is expensive rather than a cheap one who is untested and may be unreliable.
Tip #5: Interview.
Have a chat with your potential nanny/babysitter. Find out her background, how long she’s been doing this and how she plans to keep your child entertained. Be sure to ask about food, milk and toys. Some prefer it if you supply them with rice, milk powder and fruits for your child’s weekly needs. Others would rather you just give them money. Find out if there are other people in the house to help out and what happens if she suddenly needs to go out – will she take your child along; will they travel by public transport; does she have a child car seat or will you need to pass her yours when you drop your child off? If you have a toddler, bring your child along and watch how they interact.
Tip #6: Discuss hours and weekends.
You need to find out what her hours are and whether she can accommodate your daily schedule. Don’t forget to ask what happens if you’re late and her policy for weekends (just in case you need to work on a weekend). Also find out if she needs time off and her policy for school holidays. Some nannies/babysitters take a few weeks off every year. You need to know in advance so that you can plan your annual leave, if necessary.
Tip #7: Assess your nanny/babysitter’s character.
While having a chat with her, get a feel of her character. Some nannies may be so experienced and stuck in their ways that they pay no heed to your instructions. They assume they know better, especially if you are a young new mother. On the flipside, you don’t want a nanny who just goes along with everything you say without offering feedback and suggestions that could benefit your child.
Tip #8: How many kids?
Check out how many children your potential nanny/babysitter already has in her care. Do you honestly believe she can handle one more? Look at the other children in her care; visit at play time or lunch time. Observe how the other children interact, play and eat. Will your child be safe in this environment with the other children? If the other children are too rowdy, you might want to reconsider. If they are too timid, you need to ask yourself what’s going on, too. Could there be a cane / feather duster somewhere in the house waiting to be used?
Tip #9: Emergency.
Ask your potential nanny/babysitter how she plans to handle an emergency. Is she equipped with any sort of training/knowledge on what to do if your child is choking, has a cut, bump or stops breathing? Yes, we know, not many nannies/babysitters have such training/knowledge. However, someone who can answer, seems to have their wits about them, is a former nurse/midwife and has a car to drive your child immediately to the clinic/hospital is always better than one who calls you and waits for you to drive over and deal with the emergency. If this particular nanny/babysitter seems to have a bit of knowledge and experience and is willing to learn, consider sending her for a course on child/infant first aid and sit in that session with her. You can never have too much knowledge. Don’t be embarrassed to ask her these questions and even suggest you both go for first aid training. This is your child we’re talking about. And, for all you know, your nanny/babysitter might be happy to learn more about first aid.
Tip #10: Go with your gut.
You know your child best and you know how you want him/her to be raised. If you feel uncomfortable with the nanny/babysitter for any reason – the other kids are too rowdy, the place is messy, she lacks good hygiene, she has too many cats – find another nanny/babysitter. It may take a while longer but at least you won’t be sitting in your office worrying about your child as much.
This is your child. Take as much precaution as you need to and do as much checking and asking before hiring someone to take care of your child. Don’t let anyone pooh-pooh your attempt to be safe by calling you “fussy” or “difficult”. This is your precious baby and you’re entitled to be as cautious as you want to be.
For those who can’t or don’t want to get their family involved, then there are helpers, babysitters and nannies.
Here are some tips for engaging a nanny/babysitter:

If you can, get someone you know and trust. Parents and in-laws come to mind here. If they succeeded in raising you or your husband well, then they should be able to do the same for your kids, assuming they are physically able to. This could, however, be a potentially sensitive situation as you deliberate if you should pay them, give them a token sum or not give anything at all (in case you insult them by even suggesting money). Then there is the fear of your family members thinking you’re taking advantage of them by sending your kids over daily. Plus, each time you are late picking up your children, there is the guilt and your mother’s or mother-in-law’s long face to deal with. They might also make decisions without consulting you first. Think about this one very carefully. There are pros but there are also cons and it could potentially affect your relationship with your mother/mother-in-law.
Tip #2: Get a recommendation.
If you can’t get a family member or relative and need to hire an outsider, always go with a recommendation. Family and friends who have kids a few years older than your child would be in the best position to recommend someone. Preferably ask your family and friends whose kids look well-fed and well-mannered rather than those who look ill-mannered.
Tip #3: Check up on the potential nanny/babysitter.
Before you even hire her, have a surprise visit to her home or place of work (if she’s currently employed elsewhere and you are familiar with her current employer). See how the other children behave around her and how she treats them. If you can, talk to the parents of the other children there so that you can glean as much information about her style of childcare. Assess if your potential nanny/babysitter is too old or too young for the job – is she responsible enough; will she remember your child’s feeding times and medications?
Tip #4: Quality over price.
Yes, times are hard but better to get a good nanny who is expensive rather than a cheap one who is untested and may be unreliable.
Tip #5: Interview.
Have a chat with your potential nanny/babysitter. Find out her background, how long she’s been doing this and how she plans to keep your child entertained. Be sure to ask about food, milk and toys. Some prefer it if you supply them with rice, milk powder and fruits for your child’s weekly needs. Others would rather you just give them money. Find out if there are other people in the house to help out and what happens if she suddenly needs to go out – will she take your child along; will they travel by public transport; does she have a child car seat or will you need to pass her yours when you drop your child off? If you have a toddler, bring your child along and watch how they interact.
Tip #6: Discuss hours and weekends.
You need to find out what her hours are and whether she can accommodate your daily schedule. Don’t forget to ask what happens if you’re late and her policy for weekends (just in case you need to work on a weekend). Also find out if she needs time off and her policy for school holidays. Some nannies/babysitters take a few weeks off every year. You need to know in advance so that you can plan your annual leave, if necessary.
Tip #7: Assess your nanny/babysitter’s character.
While having a chat with her, get a feel of her character. Some nannies may be so experienced and stuck in their ways that they pay no heed to your instructions. They assume they know better, especially if you are a young new mother. On the flipside, you don’t want a nanny who just goes along with everything you say without offering feedback and suggestions that could benefit your child.
Tip #8: How many kids?
Check out how many children your potential nanny/babysitter already has in her care. Do you honestly believe she can handle one more? Look at the other children in her care; visit at play time or lunch time. Observe how the other children interact, play and eat. Will your child be safe in this environment with the other children? If the other children are too rowdy, you might want to reconsider. If they are too timid, you need to ask yourself what’s going on, too. Could there be a cane / feather duster somewhere in the house waiting to be used?
Tip #9: Emergency.
Ask your potential nanny/babysitter how she plans to handle an emergency. Is she equipped with any sort of training/knowledge on what to do if your child is choking, has a cut, bump or stops breathing? Yes, we know, not many nannies/babysitters have such training/knowledge. However, someone who can answer, seems to have their wits about them, is a former nurse/midwife and has a car to drive your child immediately to the clinic/hospital is always better than one who calls you and waits for you to drive over and deal with the emergency. If this particular nanny/babysitter seems to have a bit of knowledge and experience and is willing to learn, consider sending her for a course on child/infant first aid and sit in that session with her. You can never have too much knowledge. Don’t be embarrassed to ask her these questions and even suggest you both go for first aid training. This is your child we’re talking about. And, for all you know, your nanny/babysitter might be happy to learn more about first aid.
Tip #10: Go with your gut.
You know your child best and you know how you want him/her to be raised. If you feel uncomfortable with the nanny/babysitter for any reason – the other kids are too rowdy, the place is messy, she lacks good hygiene, she has too many cats – find another nanny/babysitter. It may take a while longer but at least you won’t be sitting in your office worrying about your child as much.
This is your child. Take as much precaution as you need to and do as much checking and asking before hiring someone to take care of your child. Don’t let anyone pooh-pooh your attempt to be safe by calling you “fussy” or “difficult”. This is your precious baby and you’re entitled to be as cautious as you want to be.
- Location – is it too far?
- Reliable – experienced, recommended, age, memory
- Price – not way overpriced
- Flexible – not too rigid if you’re 10min late
- Is she mobile
- Able to handle an emergency
- Hygiene
- Conducive environment for your child
- Good/Okay number of children at her home
- Able to follow instructions
- Can think on her feet
Monday, 2 May 2011
Sunday, 1 May 2011
minggu marathon
wahhhhhhh....dah seminggu me x update blog kesayangan me ni....very the bz la uols this week....hehehhehe.minggu lps malam rabu me terbang ke putrajaya dgn aiman utk berjumpa buah hati yang dah hampir 3 minggu xjumpa.....rindu gilerrrrr......hehehhe.hari khamis tu me ngemas rumah + pegi carik hadiah besday aiman yg kitaorg janji2kan....alhamdulillah dah jumpa,and soooooo happy to see his happy face......
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