Saturday 23 March 2013

14 month old

juz nak share info dari baby center. sekejap je kan dah 14 bulan si aqeem ketet tu.mmg pun dalam usia camni,bila makan, dia jadik 'chipmunk'...hahahahah.bersepah2.memang sgt penat but i have to,kalau x,sapa lagi nak handle kan?moga tuhan bg kekuatan utk besarkan anak2 yg makin macam2 both of you so much...muuuuaahhhhhh
How your toddler's growing
Your toddler is mastering new skills left and right these days, from waving bye-bye to
drinking from a cup. But one thing he probably hasn't got to grips with yet is adult table manners. That's OK: it's too early for him to understand or manage this kind of politeness. Eating is a learning experience, and at this age learning tends to be messy. So spread a splash mat (or messmat) under his highchair and set him free; let him learn to use a spoon at his own pace, examine the texture of egg, and find out how far peas can roll.

Your life: toddler-proofing your home
You may as well let your toddler do what he wants with his food, as you probably won't have much luck trying to stop him. Why? At this age, the
things you say no to have the most allure, so grin and bear it, and make sure your house is childproofed. If you cover sockets, lock low cupboards, and keep fragile items out of reach, he'll be safe and you can relax a bit. Double-check that your kitchen and bathroom are adequately childproofed too.

Feeling low?
Being the parent of a demanding toddler can take its toll. If your toddler is still waking you up at night you could be feeling the effects of chronic
sleep deprivation. You may be consoled by the fact that many parents are in the same position as you. Read some tips from other BabyCenter parents on how they manage to cope with tiredness.

Sometimes you just need a break for a few hours during the day. Encouraging your husband to
help out more can be one approach, or you could try asking a relative to have your little one for an afternoon a week to give you some space. Or perhaps a friend could help. In the meantime, help your toddler to get the rest that you both need. Find out more about getting your toddler into good sleep habits.

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